10 Anti-Gravity Quotes that Lighten: Clutter Is Stuck Energy

Empty Mind ~ by Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach, Positarian, Author, Artist
Continuing with this week’s wildly popular “Kick Tush Tuesday: Decluttering with the Queen of Knives…Caution. Sharp Knives Ahead,” here follows 10 clutter quotes that mysteriously and magically will help you to change your mental map, experience your ‘stuff’ in a new way, and move you to clear your space! Happy tossing!!!
10 Clutter Quotes
Clutter is stuck energy. The word “clutter” derives from the Middle English word “clotter,” which means to coagulate – and that’s about as stuck as you can get. ~ Karen Kingston
Clutter is a physical manifestation of fear that cripples our ability to grow. ~ H.G. Chissell
Out of clutter, find simplicity. ~ Albert Einstein
Don’t own so much clutter that you will be relieved to see your house catch fire. ~ Wendell Berry
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. ~ Leonardo DaVinci
The point is, you need to distinguish between what honestly moves you and what the world is telling you should melt your heart. If something doesn’t reach you on a personal level, let it go. It’s hard enough dealing with everything that does. ~ Judi Culbertson
Less is more. ~ Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Clutter is not just physical stuff. It’s old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self. ~ Eleanor Brownn
But here’s the thing–no matter how many possessions you have, you never feel secure. As soon as you get one thing, there is always something else you “need”. ~ Karen Kingston
Clutter-clearing is modern-day alchemy. ~ Denise Linn
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Levitate through Life with Me…
Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach™, Positarian, Author, Artist
buoyant * magnetic * luminous