Anti-Gravity Coaching Question: How Will You Show UP?

Experience WeightLessNess… Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach, Positarian, Artist, Author
How will YOU Show UP Today? A weighty Anti-Gravity Coaching question, indeed!
People want to know, “What’s your secret to success? How did you manage to permanently remove (a.k.a. lose) over 50 pounds of excess weight? What do you eat?” Truthfully, while food is a consideration, the secret to my successful weight loss plan is less about my food plan and more about how I show up. How I show up TODAY and EVERY DAY!
One of the first things that I do each and every day to ensure that I do, indeed, show up is sit at my desk with pen and paper in hand. I easily and effortlessly write out (on paper, not directly on the desk) and ponder the question, “How Will I Show Up Today?” I jot down the first few words that surface. Sometimes “energized” flows forward. Sometimes “committed” as in committed to the journey, to healthy choices. Sometimes the word “tired” makes its way to the page, at which point I crawl back in bed for a post wake-up snooze, and then upon waking for the second time, I ask again!
It’s a simple way of checking in and reminding myself, she who at times seems to suffer from amnesia (Holy cow, why am I covered in cookie crumbs? How’d that happen?) that wearing tight jeans and having the construction workers whistle at me is important to me (even though the construction workers are not terribly discriminating). Oh yes, and being healthy. That’s important to me, too. (Let’s be real. Vanity is a motivating force. Is it not?)
How WILL I Show Up Today? is a very powerful question. There’s no yes or no in it; there’s no right or wrong in it. And on a subconscious level, the words WILL I … imply that I will will myself to and I will … show up … today.
The writing of the question taps into your subconscious mind, which then sends the answers straight through your fingers, through the pen, onto the page. Do not think; just be present with the pen and write. Showing Up may look different from day to day and that’s okay, because each day is different and brings forth different resources that live within.
So…What’s important to you? How will you show up? Feel free to show up and write me! Comment below…and
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Levitate through Life with Me…
Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach™, Positarian, Author, Artist
buoyant * magnetic * luminous