Kick Tush Tues: 5 Ways to Be a Pillow-Offset Tough Times with Gentle Softness

When tough times come, it is particularly important to offset them with...

15th Jan

7 Things that Zap Your Spiritual Energy

Sometimes unseen forces zap our energy, nibble away at our resolve and...

27th Dec
wake up

8 Christmas Quotes: Have a Ho Ho Ho Happy Holiday

One of my favorite things to do when having dinner parties —...

25th Dec
Christmas 2012-13

2013: Pray With the Rocks

With love, appreciation and deepest gratitude for your faithful friendship, Our Lady...

24th Dec
Resolve to Love CHRISTMAS 2012

6 Steps – End World Prophecy: Make Your Last Day Count

The doom-and-gloom-sayers, the end-of-the-world folk are predicting that the world will indeed...

20th Dec
Thats All Folks

10 Commandments of Holiday Weight Loss

Whether you are trying to lose weight, maintain or just stay healthy,...

12th Dec
christmas 2006

Puzzled: Contagious Attitudes Worth Catching

Chances are you’ve heard the expression, “When you smile, the whole world...

10th Dec
contagious attitude

9 Tips: Have a Hot and Sexy Holiday

While reading through all the holiday season tips given by yours truly...

06th Dec
Bettie boot 2

Kick Tush Tues. – 7 Holiday Spending Tips

A gaggle of people have expressed to me either via telephone or...

04th Dec
Want it barbara kruger