Chewing the Fat: How Mary Checked Her Frustrations and Fat At the Door

“Your Gain Is My Pain,Call Me!” by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Weight Loss Expert, Positarian
This week, Mary shares how she checked her frustrations and her fat at the door and blazed a thinner, more energized and happier trail! Does Mary’s story ring true, carry weight, feel familiar? What steps might you take toward creating positive change? Read on and weigh-in!
Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss ~ I went back to school. I received a B.A. in anthropology, which may sound impressive, but guess what…it hasn’t translated into a real-life job. Sadly, for the past couple of years, I’ve been hopping from job to job, which hasn’t been very fulfilling. Actually, it’s been fairly frustrating and draining.
I thought about getting my master’s, thinking that might open the door to more job opportunities, but mostly I complained and made excuses, saying that going back to school is too expensive, too hard, too tough, too everything.
And then one day, seemingly out of the blue, I w0ke up and decided to move away from anthropology and, instead, become a physician’s assistant. My first step was to enroll in a chemistry class at my local community college, which I did, and wow-what a life-changing happening that was!
If you are wondering what this has to do with weight loss, I’ll tell you, although I think you already know, because I learned this from you! Working towards a long-term goal, in this case my career, created a shot of energy, which facilitated a major attitude adjustment, and an entirely new perspective.
Just like I used to whine about going back to school, I used to say “I can never lose this weight.” But, guess what! It’s simply not true! Since I started school, I feel like I can accomplish anything; anything including dropping those extra pounds. This new, empowered attitude has resulted in my losing over 10 pounds, so far!
Suddenly, I get what you’ve been saying all along. Permanent weight loss is less about the food and more about my life! I truly believe that our consult, the one where you planted the seeds of success came to bear fruit. The seeds took hold, and one day the seeds pushed out of the ground and sprouted a better life. Thank you! ~ Mary S.
Dear Mary S. ~ Congratulations on your new career, your attitude adjustment, and your incredibly powerful and positive point of view. Oh, and the weight loss, too! Woo hoo!!!
It is true, Mary. When we fill up on life, give ourselves what we need and desire, we are far less likely to fill up on excessive amounts of food. When we focus on life, in its entirety…our relationships, our environments (home/office—clutter, cleanliness), our spirituality, creativity, finances and more; when we get our inner home in order, a shift takes place. A tremendous shift of tectonic proportions! Weight loss is actually the secondary gain! (Ha! I love that!!!)
Thanks much for sharing your thoughts, your process and your success with us! I am pleased and grateful to have played a part in your life. You did the work, Mary! Well done! ~ Our Lady of Weight Loss
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Spread the love–NOT the icing,
Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Author, Artist, Positarian
wise * fun * utterly useful