Commitment: How to…Unlock theDoor of Imagination, Turn Dreams Into Reality

Committed to Being Festive … by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist
Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the “right stuff” to turn our dreams into reality. ~ James Womack
I had a curious conversation with star client CM … I asked CM, “On a scale from 0 to 10 (ten being the highest), how important is it to you to lose weight?”
CM replied, “TEN!!!” … I asked, “How committed are you to doing what needs to be done?” CM replied “3.”
“What will it take to move your 3 to a 10?”
“Well … if I go to the doctor and she says that I have diabetes, that would put me in action mode. …. or if I went into my closet and nothing fit, then I’d be fully committed.”
The conversation went on for a bit … but the bottom line is that sometimes we ‘want’ – sometimes we have great intentions … but we don’t fully commit. How ‘bad’ does it have to get before you fully commit to living healthy?
How far are you WILLING to COMMIT to ensure that you carry out your INTENTIONS?
Simply put, intention is what you INTEND to do.
* We intend to eat healthfully.
* We intend to walk 10,000 steps.
* We intend to be kind to others.
* We intend to take in deep breaths throughout the day.
* We intend to appreciate the mere fact that we are alive.
You get the idea. Our intentions are honorable! We aim to, mean to, propose to, plan to, have it in our minds to, expect to … and yet at the end of the day, while we may have jumped out of bed with the very best of intentions, we somehow or another you may have lost our way. Our intentions evaporated into the ether.
Intention leaves a bit of wiggle room; commitment makes it clear that you have vowed to do something.
Commitment is about pledging, promising, taking a vow. It’s about being loyal,dedicated, having allegiance to and faith in oneself.
Commitment is an important ingredient on our journey to Sveltesville.
I never thought that I’d be quoting football coaches, but as football legend Bill Parcell’s points out, “Commitment is about giving your all to every play. It’s about choosing the right path; not the easiest one.”
Commitment ignites us into action. What’s YOUR Commitment Plan???
For more commitment to self, and the absolutely best wellness and weight loss wisdom, join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Club: Kick in the Tush Club/FB
Spread the word–NOT the icing!
Janice Taylor
wise * fun * utterly useful