Hot off the Press: Microsoft Bra Ends Emotional Eating?

Bathroom Reading: Microsoft Bra Ends Emotional Eating? by Janice Taylor, Life Coach, 50 Pound Loser, Author, Artist
Holy Guacamole, Tushkateers! Just the other day, I wondered aloud, “What will be the next big thing? The next technological gadget that has the potential to change our lives.” No sooner did those ‘want to know’ words leave my mouth, did I receive an email informing me that Microsoft had invented a technologically brilliant bra that can jolt us away from the table (literally) and end emotional eating!
Microsoft’s bizarre brassiere comes complete with sensor pads, a microprocessor and a 3.7-volt battery that has the potential to stop stress eating! The bra measures numerous mood-signaling channels, heart rate and respiration.
The bra gathers and sends all the information to a very special app on your very smart phone, which alerts you that it is indeed time to put your fork down and move away from the table!
Thing is, the 3.7-volt battery loses its joggle power around the 4-hour mark.
What do you think? Does Microsoft’s bra have the potential to end emotional eating? Are you willing to carry a supply of 3.7-volt batteries in your bag and bring your smart phone to the table? Must we use an app for everything? Couldn’t they deliver a jolt direct to the body? Send off an alarm or have a Siri-type voice say, “Fork down. Hands up. Slowly back away from the table?”
For more imaginative and whimsical weight loss, join Our Lady of Weight Loss‘s Club: Kick in the Tush Club/FB.
Spread the word–NOT the icing,
Janice Taylor
wise * fun * utterly useful