In Memoriam: Harriet Taylor (1916-2013)
For death is but a passing phase of Life;
- A change of dress, a disrobing;
- A birth into the unborn again;
- A commencing where we ended;
- A starting where we stopped to rest;
- A crossroad of Eternity;
- A giving up of something, to possess all things.
- The end of the unreal, the beginning of the real.
- ~ Edwin Leibfreed, “The Song of the Soul”
Dearest Tushkateers,
In celebration of a life well lived, this Kick in the Tush Club e-letter is dedicated to Harriet Taylor, my 96 year-young mother who peacefully and quite beautifully passed away on Saturday morning, January 19, in our home.
She’d gotten a mammoth kick that I’d shared photos and videos of her on these pages and that her “Words of Cake Wisdom” video had received over 1,300 “hits” on YouTube.
Her favorite quote (by Brendan Gill) was “Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.”
With that in mind, I invite you to watch her best videos.
Please do smile, laugh and cheer for a life fully, happily and authentically lived.
Worth the click!!!
Mother’s Day: You Kids and Your Drugs!
95th Birthday: Diet Tips-How to Eat Cake
Spread Harriet’s Zest for Life–NOT the icing!