Kick Tush Tuesday: Do You Need a Fix?

“Your Gain Is My Pain! Contact me!” ~ Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach, Positarian, Author, Artist
Do you think that your need to be fixed? Because, I am here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with you! That’s right. There. Is. Nothing. Wrong. With. You. Nothing needs to be ‘fixed.‘ Nothing!
You simply need to understand what your ‘dysfunctions’ are and honor them. Go with them! (Huh? What? If I am dysfunctional, then don’t I need to be fixed? No!)
Read on, ingest, and then feel free to Honor Thy Dysfunction! That’s right (again!). What you consider to be a dysfunction, actually turns out to be something entirely different.
We have this idealized list of who we should be and how we should act, instead of just seeing who we are, noticing how we operate and then going with it. Swimming up stream is exhausting. Going with the flow is a pleasure!
Honoring your dysfunction has much to do with how you operate. Best way to explain? Here is an example of one of my many dysfunctional acts of kooky genius.
Most ‘dieters’ would think that seconds are a no-no. But I LOVE SECONDS! I find comfort in knowing that there is more to come. I enjoy the walk into the kitchen, the return walk to the table, followed by another portion of something fabulously delicious, healthy and OLofWL approved.
How do I honor this? I measure out my dinner; put half on my small, dark blue plate (see notes on plate size and colors in All Is Forgiven, Move On), I sit at dining room table (following the No Seat/No Eat rule – also in AIF, MO) and then when I am done with plate one, I return to the kitchen and take the second half. I am happy. I have not fought my ‘dysfunction.’
In fact, as it turns out, my dysfunction is now transformed into a strategy. Wowzer! That truly is amazing, is it not? My dysfunction is now my friend.
Make friends with yourself. Make your dysfunction a strategy! Sometimes it’s that simple!
For (almost) daily motivational musings from our country’s premiere Anti-Gravity Coach, Janice Taylor (that’s me), join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Kick in the Tush Club/FB!
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Levitate through Life with Me…
Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach™, Positarian, Author, Artist
buoyant * magnetic * luminous