Kick Tush Tuesday: How Being Silly Increases Charisma

Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach, Levitating Through Life
As a 50-pound big-time loser, I understand the importance of play and its role (not jelly roll) in Permanent Fat Removal.
Being playful most definitely improves your health and your well-being.
Being Playful:
1. provides a ‘time-out’ from stressful situations,
2. lifts your mood and emotions,
3. boosts your immunity,
4. strengthens and intensifies your charisma, and
5. helps you to live in the moment.
If you are an emotional eater and who isn’t, then the art of play is something that you might want to think about and include in your every day experience of life and yourself.
So, no matter what the circumstances of your life may be at this particular moment, or whatever your mood-of the-moment is, let’s all agree that taking a break from the serious stuff is a good idea and finding time each and every day to take this play break is mandatory!
Trust that you are here to change your mind as well as your behavior. And trust that zany is a most excellent way to change your mind as well as your attitude.
Push your ‘silly limits.’ Reclaim those fun resources that live within you now – zany, crazy, madcap, wacky and screwball! Do something “outside the donut box” today!
For (almost)daily motivational musings as well as madcap wellness and WeightLessNess tips from our country’s premiere Anti-Gravity Coach, Janice Taylor, join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Kick in the Tush Club/FB!
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Spread the Love–NOT the icing,
Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Author, Artist, Positarian
wise * fun * utterly useful