Kick Tush Tuesday: How Did She Lose 60 Pounds? Hint: One Word Answer!

Your Gain Is My Pain! How Can I Help You? ~ Contact Janice Taylor, Life & Weight Loss Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian
One of my star clients, who just happened to have permanently removed over 60 pounds of excess weight, told me that one of the most important components to her success was—in one word—diligence!
That’s right folks. She did not talk about her food choices. Nor did she talk about exercise. While both were important parts of her healthy living/weight loss plan, she knew that her mindset was the most important factor to her success. And her mindset was about commitment, concentration, dedication…in a word…diligence. She persevered even when she did not feel like it.
Chew on this Mattieu Ricard quote and see how you can apply it to your permanent weight removal efforts.
“Being diligent in your practice should not depend on your mood of the moment. Whether your meditation session is enjoyable or irritating, easy or hard, the important thing is to persevere. It is when you don’t feel like meditating that it might have the most beneficial effects, because at those times meditation is working directly against some obstacle that stands in the way of your spiritual progress.” Mattieu Ricard from Why Meditate?
Rewrite so that it “fits.”
“Being diligent in your practice should not depend on your mood of the moment. Whether your weight loss efforts are enjoyable or irritating, easy or hard, the important thing is to persevere. It is when you don’t feel like eating healthfully that it might have the most beneficial effects, because at those times your new way of life is working directly against some obstacle that stands in the way of your spiritual progress.”
Just when you think you cannot say no to the donut, just when you think that you “deserve” a huge serving of comfort food, just when you are sticking your hand into the bag of cookies, just as you lose your resolve, know that you are working directly against some obstacle that stands in your way of your spiritual progress.
Yes, that bag of cookies is standing in your way of being your best self; those unhealthy choices are creating a detour that takes you off the Path to Sveltsville. Healthy eating, healthy thinking, healthy actions; all that we are talking about and working on transcends the number on the scale.
“This” is a spiritual journey. You may think that your goal is to simply lose weight, but this goal far transcends your body size. You are creating habits that have the power to take you beyond “temporary emotions.” Your new habits are your roadmap, your blueprint; they are your path to “freedom.”
Think how empowered you have felt in the past when you honored your commitment to your healthy eating/healthy living goals. Even when you didn’t feel like it; especially when you did not want to, did not feel like it, when you were flooded with emotions and thoughts that were leading you away from healthy living. Even during the holiday season!
Be Diligent. Stay Focused. Make Healthy Choices.
Deliciously and Diligently Yours,
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For one-on-one coaching, contact Janice!