Kick Tush Tuesday: How to Let Go, Fly High, Break Free!

Your Gain Is My Pain ~ Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach, Life & Wellness Coach, Author, Artist, Positarian
“When once you have tasted flight you will always walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward: for there you have been and there you will always be.” – Henry Van Dyke
Happy Kick Tush Tuesday! Recently, I started referring to myself as an Anti-Gravity Coach.
In response to my new title, people ask, “What do you mean you’re an anti-gravity coach?” I’d like to take this opportunity to explore and explain!
When you really think about it, when I really think about it, my approach as a Life and Wellness Coach, Weight Loss Expert is focused on letting go of that which weighs you down, followed by taking flight.
Taking off, taking flight is about letting go of gravity; that which pulls us down, that which weighs us down. It is about rising above our belief systems, our way of thinking and our daily habits.
Have you heard the expression, “You can’t see the forest from the trees?” Flying high allows us to see things that we cannot see when we are on the ground, in the middle of our mental “mine-field.”
Flying high allows us to create enough space to objectively look at our lives and experience new perspectives.
You cannot break a habit. You can only create new ones. By flying high above our lives, by breaking free of gravity, we break free (while in flight) of the habits that weigh us down.
When we break free of the habits that weigh us down, we have an opportunity to experience, see, feel and imagine our “want power” muscle in its full glory. We are able to imagine, to envision going beyond the boundaries of linear living. We are able to break the bonds of our earthly identities and remember our true identities.
When we are in touch with and celebrate our authentic self, as opposed to the food-obsessed person, the unorganized person, the victim, and/or the “fat” person, then we are able to fly.
Feel free to imagine what it might feel like to “let go” of all that weighs you down. Feel free to ask more questions!
Experience Anti-Gravity Coaching. Come fly with me!
Ready to fly high? Join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Kick in the Tush Club/FB!
And–for the full skinny sign up for Janice Taylor’s (monthly) Kick in the Tush Club newsletter!
Spread the Word-–NOT the icing!
Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach, Life Coach, Weight Loss Expert
Weight Loss Expert, Author, Artist, Positarian