Kick Tush Tuesday: Why Breakfast?

On August 6, 2013 by Janice Taylor

Still skipping breakfast?  Even though the experts say, after 40 years of breakfast related studies that show without a doubt that kick-starting your day with breakfast is the healthy thing to do – for children and adults alike – people still tell me . . .

 “Oh, I just don’t have the time for breakfast!”
Really?  How much time does it take to down a bowl of cereal or a container of yogurt with a bit of fresh fruit?  Or a hard-boiled egg, for that matter?

“I’m not hungry in the morning.”
What time do you eat dinner?  10 p.m.? Midnight?

“Skipping breakfast is a part of my diet plan.”
Studies show that eating breakfast will actually help you to reach and maintain your healthy weight.

“I don’t like breakfast.”
 There’s no rule about what ‘breakfast food’ is or is not!  You could eat lunch for breakfast or dinner for lunch or breakfast for dinner.  Get creative.

Here’s why YOU should eat breakfast!

Those who skip breakfast often find themselves feeling tired, restless, irritable and scattered.  After eight to twelve hours of NOT eating (fasting!), your body is ready to and needs to refuel its glucose levels (a.k.a. blood sugar).  Glucose is the main energy source for your brain, and it helps fuel your muscles that move you through your day.

At the end of the day, those who eat breakfast consume less calories, are thinner and tend to be healthier than those who do not eat breakfast.  Whether in the process of removing those excess pounds or maintaining your healthy weight, breakfast is very important!  It helps to curb your hunger and breakfast can help to prevent binge eating later in the day.

And for you moms out therekids who eat breakfast do better in school, are more alert and can concentrate better than the kids who skip the most important meal of the day!

7 Breakfast Ideas!

A breakfast that ranges between 250-350 calories can keep you sated for hours!

  1. Ready-to-eat whole grain cereal topped with fruit and yogurt.
  2. Whole-grain waffles topped with one tablespoon of peanut butter, fruit and or ricotta cheese.
  3. Whole-wheat pita stuffed with sliced hard-boiled eggs, lettuce and tomato.
  4. Sardines (in mustard sauce, my fav) on whole-wheat crackers (or stuff that pita again!).
  5. Steel Cut Oatmeal topped with fresh fruit.
  6. Breakfast smooth (whirl up a milk, fruit and bran combo in your blender)
  7. Omelet (egg-white or otherwise) with copious amount of veggies, an orange on the side with a slice of whole wheat toast.

Your Health Matters!

For more healthy and happy, join Our Lady of Weight Loss‘s Club:
Kick in the Tush Club/Facebook!Spread the word–NOT the icing!

Dictated but not read by OLWL.  Excuse all typos!
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