Miracle Cure: #TheFreezeYourAssOffDiet

If not NOW…WHEN? ~ contact Janice Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian
Yesterday, we flew from Tucson to the east coast with a change of plane in Dallas, where it was snowing like mad and the temperature was a brisk 28 degrees. Crazy weather? Yes! As we made our way from the gate to the plane, I said, “Geeze Louise, one could freeze their ass off in this weather,” which, of course, reminded me of The Freeze Your Ass Off Diet.
In the land of ridiculous diets, why not add this one to it! Here, the The Freeze Your Ass Off Diet video that will help you to “lose it.” Go ahead…lose it! Giggle, Chortle, Laugh Your Ass Off and then Freeze it Off!
May The Freeze Your Ass Off Diet video bring you a sliver of warmth and sunshine on this blistery cold day! And if you live in a warmer climate, watch and laugh your ass off! Either way!
For more miracle cures, happy talk and life affirming happenings, visit the Kick in the Tush Club/Facebook.
In the spirit of “fun and play,” in knowing that laughter is the best medicine, and a giggle more precious than a pound of gold (well, maybe), I urge to pay the pounds forward! Here’s to mega-doses of Winter-Weight Loss Fun! #OLWL #FreezeYourAssOff
Spread the word–NOT the icing!
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For one-on-one coaching, contact Janice!