Mean Girl Confesses Weighty Sins
How mean are you? To others? To yourself? Our Lady of Weight...
Partner with Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, whose personal experience and holistic approach can help you to manifest your dreams and live the life you've imagined.
Janice’s meditations are designed to help you to relax, release, and change your mind. Download her hypnotic meditation audio files, and see what could happen!
Hypnosis can be a powerful ally in holistic weight management. It can quickly relieve the emotional issues at the root of your problem and strengthen your motivation to make better healthy living choices.
Our Lady of Weight Loss's newsletter, "Kick in the Tush Club" delivers weekly platters full of weight loss and wellness wisdom that satisfy. Slim down while you laugh it up!
How mean are you? To others? To yourself? Our Lady of Weight...
The ‘burning bush’ was not a miracle. It was a test. God...
Enjoy this week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle entitled, “Empty Mind,”...
Last week’s EAT THIS: LOSE WEIGHT recipe featured a delightfully delicious Cinco...
Further my yesterday’s post, “3 Steps to Waking Up Happy,” here today...
Would you like to wake up happy? Here, from Our Lady of...
Greetings! Get thy May Pole out of storage, Tushkateers! May Day is swiftly...
Ghandi’s Cake is up for interpretation. My Get Jiggy Weight Loss...
Cinco de Mayo, the fifth of May commemorates the Mexican army’s 1862...