Puzzled? Coffee First, Bastille Day to Follow!

“Coffee First” by Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach, Weight Loss Expert, Positarian, Author, Artist
Coffee First, Tushkateers! Bottoms Up! We’re about to kick start and kick tush, get in gear, get jiggy and celebrate Bastille Day! That’s right…today is La Fête Nationale.
On July 14, 1789, citizens of Paris stormed the Bastille, a fortress used as a prison in Paris. Bastille Day marks the beginning of the French Revolution.
Coffee First: Brew Yourself a Fabulous French Roast this morning!
Click through this week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle – Puzzled? Coffee First, Bastille Day to Follow!
And then send to a friend: PostCard Coffee First!
Hungry for (almost) daily motivational musings from our country’s premiere Anti-Gravity Coach, Janice Taylor (that’s me), join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Kick in the Tush Club/FB!
For the full skinny as well as Anti-Gravity Specials, sign up for Janice Taylor’s (monthly) Kick in the Tush Club newsletter!
Spread the word–NOT the icing!
Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach™, Positarian, Author, Artist
buoyant * magnetic * luminous