Puzzled? Delight in All Aspects of Creation

abstractly so… by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist
A most excellent “Coach Yourself Happy” question from Janice Taylor, Life & Happiness Coach, Weight Loss Expert (that’s me) to kick start this kick tush week: If you were to “Delight in All Aspects of Creation,” which creations would you specifically delight in that you would not ordinarily take delight in?
As you click through this week’s puzzle, “Delight in All Aspects of Creation,” chew on delightful happiness!
Send e-postcard version of “Delights” to a friend! Share the Delights!
For more Delights that will bring you Into the Lite, join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Club: Kick in the Tush Club/ FB.
Spread the word–NOT the icing!
Janice Taylor
wise * fun * utterly useful