Puzzled? One Word Medtiation

One Word Meditation – Calm, Relaxed, Simple
Pick a word, any word. This week’s get jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle: One Word Meditation is inspired by the word! Any word!
1. Pick a word, any word.
2. Slowly repeat your chosen word in your mind’s eye.
3. Pay attention to the silence between the words.
4. Follow your breath.
This is a very simple relaxation exercise that can help to focus the mind and foster calm feelings. And, it is a technique that you can draw upon at any given moment; between phone calls, while waiting for the elevator to take you up or down, while standing on line at the coffee kiosk. You can say your one word while vacuuming, dusting, or gardening.
What one word might you focus on? Pick a word, any word!
Click through this week’s get jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle: One Word Meditation!
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Happy New Year!
Spread the word–NOT the icing,