Puzzled? The Ducks: What to Bring to the Party?

On August 12, 2013 by Janice Taylor

Puzzled?  While clicking through this week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, The Ducks? What to bring to the party?” contemplate the various things that you could bring to a party.  Cake, sure!  That’s one possibility, but The Ducks have already committed to cake.    What might you bring???

1.  Fruit Platter and/or Veggie Platter
2.  Croquet Game to play with others3.  Magic Tricks to entertain
4.  Paint by Numbers (with extra paint brushes: group project)

Get Jiggy Puzzle:  The Ducks Are on Their Way to a Party
Get Jiggy e-POSTCARD (send to a friend):  E-CARD DUCKS on their Way

What else might you take to the party?  Think outside the donut box!  Share here!!! or share with Tushkateers from across the land: join Our Lady of Weight Loss‘s Club:  Kick in the Tush Club/Facebook!

Spread the word–NOT the icing!

Dictated but not read by OLWL.  Excuse all typos!
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