Puzzled? The Grackle’s Tale?

The Grackle’s Tale by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist
This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, “Grackle,” was inspired by the many, many big, brash, raucous Great-Tail Grackles that are flying through the air, lighting on trees, as well as pecking their way through the freshly seeded lawn, here, right in front of me.
“Have you no shame, Grackles?” I inquired. “You’re pecking is so loud and for goodness sake, you are rude as well.The lawn has just been seeded!”
“Squawk, squawk,” replied the Grackle, “Your bugs are so delicious. We can’t stop ourselves. We are individually and collectively out of control.”
“How fortuitous that you are out of control on my lawn. I am quite possibly the best, most successful Weight Loss Coach in the world.” I said. “The first thing y’all need to do is set an intention to eat a certain amount of insects, and only that amount at this meal. And then together, as there is definitely strength in numbers (group support is key), after you finish your bug-fest, drink a bit of water, remove the taste from your mouth and fly an extra mile together. Build on that one success and see what can happen!”
And so the Great-Tailed Grackle took the message to his flock and they determined that 120 insects each was indeed enough, and together, they ate, sang, and flew happily ever after.
Before moving onto the next lawn, they did sing out to me, “Setting an intention, setting limits, setting our pea-sized bird brains was an amazing first step. We don’t feel deprived or depressed, we feel a certain spaciousness, lightness and weightlessness that fills us with joy.”
“Dear Weight Loss Coach,” they continued, in unison, “We’ll be back.”
“Take care, Grackles, and come again when you can’t stay so long!” I said as I waved, blew kisses and squawked my best imitation of the Grackle!
As you click through, the puzzle, Grackle, feel free to ponder your first step(s).
And, send the Grackle e-postcard to a friend. Encourage them to join your flock! Support is paramount!!!
For more weightlessness, join Our Lady of Weight Loss KICK in the TUSH Club/FB!
Spread the word–NOT the icing,
Janice Taylor, Life & Happiness Coach, Author, Artist, Positarian
wise * fun * utterly useful