Quirky Wisdom: How to Be the SMARTest SmartASS?

Seriously, who wouldn’t want to be the smartest smartASS in town? There...

29th Jan
quirky wisdom lightbulb

Puzzled? How to Unleash Your Inner Goddess?

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, entitled: “Goddess,” is inspired...

27th Jan
Goddess photograph

7 Easy Steps: How to Build Self-Confidence

On a scale of 0 to 10, ten being the highest (zero...

22nd Jan
Praying for Self-Confidence?  by Janice Taylor, Self-Help/Weight Loss Artist

Eat This: Lose Weight – Super Slimming Fat Burning Breakfast

Did you hear about Edamame and Weight Loss?  Going steadily together, researchers...

17th Jan
Our Lady of Sunny Side Up by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist

#OneWord Thursday: How to Live in #Harmony (best small town USA)

For many #harmony is thought of as a tuneful sound, a combination...

16th Jan
Biscuit Hat w. Rabbit

Chewing the Fat: Hurt, Defeated, Depressed

Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss,   I just turned 60.  After ten...

15th Jan

Kick Tush Tuesday: Stressed? Irritable? Crying?

Are you stressed? Irritable? Having trouble sleeping? Do you feel like screaming?...

14th Jan
Buddha Goddess

Puzzled? Tough Choices: Fruit or Cake or maybe FruitCake?

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, entitled:  “Tough Choices: Fruit...

13th Jan
"Tough Choices:  Fruit or Cake?" by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist, Author, Coach and Positarian

#OneWord Thursday: Infusion of #Positivity

  Our Lady of Weight Lossthought that y’all might want an infusion...

09th Jan
ZigZagging Thru Life, by Janice Taylor, Self-Help Artist, Positarian
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