Chewing the Fat: Our Lady of Weight serving it straight-up!

Dear Janice (a.k.a. Our Lady of Weight Loss) ~ I’m ttrryyiinngg to...

08th Jan
Letters to Our Lady of Weight Loss:  WISE, FUN and UTTERLY USEFUL ADVICE!

A New Year’s Toast: 10 Simple Steps to Happy

In this New Year, 2014, let’s… Look at the sunny side of...

01st Jan
New Year's TOAST

Puzzled? Floating Mary…being nice?

“I wasn’t raised Catholic; I just really like the image of a...

30th Dec
Catholic Moby

Puzzled? GetJiggy – Want Power RULES!

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, “Want Power Rules!” is...

23rd Dec
"Want Power RULES!" by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist

10 Commandments of Holiday Weight Loss: Frighten Poor Noah?

As we happily head out to party, let’s remember to read through,...

18th Dec
Christmas ho ho ho

Puzzled? Merry and Happy … your holiday mantra?

As you click through this week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle...

16th Dec
Merry and Happy, by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist

Eat This: Lose Weight – Hot Doggities! circa Good Housekeeping 1963

Helloooo Tushkateers, Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss, Friendly Readers,  While...

13th Dec
dysfunctional chef copy

#OneWord Thursday: just #Sitting?

If you are feeling the hustle and bustle of the holiday season...

12th Dec
Enlightened Dog #Sitting by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist

Weighty Wisdom: Your Path to Freedom

“Being diligent in your practice should not depend on your mood of...

11th Dec
Buddha Goddess 4x6
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