Puzzled? Peace of Mind?

According to the Dalai Lama, “In the final analysis, the hope of...

09th Dec
peace of mind by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist

Hot off the Press: Microsoft Bra Ends Emotional Eating?

Holy Guacamole, Tushkateers!   Just the other day, I wondered aloud, “What will...

08th Dec
Bathroom Reading:  Microsoft Bra Ends Emotional Eating?  by Janice Taylor, Life Coach, 50 Pound Loser, Author, Artist

#OneWord Thursday: #Visualize the Fat Melting Away in Your Bathtub

Today, dear Tushkateers, devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss and those...

05th Dec
BathTub JigSaw

Puzzled? 9 Tips: How to Be Holiday Sexy

Are you feeling 5 Minutes to Never Sexy?  After the biggest food...

02nd Dec
5 Minutes to Never Sexy

Gratitude: Thanksgiving Side Dish or Main Dish?

Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Chanukah, Happy Thanksgiviukkah one and all!!!  As Thanksgiving is...

28th Nov

Thanksgiving Prayer

Wishing you the happiest and healthiest of holidays! Janice

27th Nov
Thanksgiving prayer

Thanksgiving – The Oy, Ugh and Joy of Relatives

Remember: No one has read the script that you have written for...

27th Nov

Puzzled? A Sinfully Satisfying Thanksgiving Tasting Guide

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle is entitled:  A Sinfully...

25th Nov
thanksgiving calorie guide

Eat This: Lose Weight – 3 Thanksgiving Sweet Potato Recipes

Tushkateers, Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss, and those who found...

22nd Nov
dysfunctional chef copy
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