Puzzled? Good Weight Loss Karma

As you click through this week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle,...

14th Oct
Autumn Leaf by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist

#OneWord Thursday: #Listening to the Nighttime Fall

A follow up to my Tuesday’s Kick Tush post, “The 7 Do...

10th Oct

Kick Tush Tuesday: The 7 DO NOTS of LISTENING!

No one is as deaf as the man who will not listen....

08th Oct
kick in the tush club 1:2 logo

Puzzled? Listening for Unexpected Wisdom

Puzzled?  Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. When...

07th Oct
"Dogs Listen" by Janice Taylor, Self-Help/Weight Loss Artist

Sex and Food: The Power of the Poached Fig

Want to serve a desert dish that has the power to put...

04th Oct
Sex/Food:  The Power of the Poached Fig by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist

#OneWord Thursday: How to #Manifest

Are you ready to focus on How to #Manifest what you want,...

03rd Oct
quirky wisdom lightbulb

Miracle Cure: Walking Backwards Through Life

Looking for a fresh perspective on life?  Me, too!  Here, from Our...

02nd Oct
One Foot Change Sum 100

Puzzled? The Soul has Illusions…

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, “The Soul has Illusions…”...

30th Sep
sky green

Health Benefits of Journaling: 5 Ways to Write the Pounds Away

The Journal of the American Medical Association tells us that writing about...

25th Sep
SummerTime Journal pg2
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