Kick Tush Tuesday: 4 Steps – How to Manifest Anything and Everything!

You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve...

24th Sep
kick in the tush club 1:2 logo

Eat This: Lose Weight – Simply Sensational Salmon Salad

Our Lady of Weight Loss and I had a grueling morning.  We...

20th Sep
dysfunctional chef copy

#OneWord Thursday – #Compassion: Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.

Our Lady of Weight Loss and Janice Taylor, your Life & Wellness...

19th Sep
Buddha Goddess

How Selfish are You? How Heavy is Your Guilt?

People say that they simply do not have time to take care...

18th Sep

Kick Tush Tuesday: 7 Tips – What to Do When #Judged?

Every so often, someone says something to me about my newly found...

17th Sep
#Judged?  Kick Tush!

Puzzled? About Fatty Acids?

Puzzled?  About Fatty Acids?  Me, too!  As you read through and then...

16th Sep
Fish Eyes

Dysfunctional Chef – Eating Orange: Sweet Potato Cups

This week’s Eat This: Lose Weight recipe from your favorite Dysfunctional Chef...

13th Sep
dysfunctional chef copy

#OneWord Thursday – #Never Give Up

As promised in my yesterday’s blog post entitled: How the Angel of...

12th Sep
OL of Henna Hand2

Give It Up for the Angel of Defeatism?

Just yesterday, when I took a much-needed break from working hard on...

11th Sep
ganesh 2010
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