Weighty Wisdom: 10 (no-diet) Healthy Home Tips

Happy Healthy Home by Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach, Positarian, Author, Artist
People tell me that they begin their diets (a.k.a. healthy living plans) by cutting back on or eliminating high fat and/or sugary foods. Sounds like a smart place to start? Maybe yes, but maybe no!
Maybe, just maybe, a better place to start, a more comfortable and effective way to manifest new, healthy habits is to take a look at the energy in your home and notice how it is (or is not) supporting your new lifestyle.
For instance, just for a moment imagine that after a long day of work or play, you put the key in your front door lock, turn the knob and enter. And right there, before your tired eyes, you encounter:
two weeks worth of newspapers piled high, and/or
dirty laundry, and/or
an empty fridge, and/or
plants that need watering, and/or
a dog that didn’t appreciate your being late and has gnawed his way through your slippers, and/or
dust balls, and/or stagnant air, and/or
just plain clutter!
I don’t know what type of disarray you might find in your home, but you do!
Get the picture? If your outer-home is a mess, if its energy is chaotic, you have made it that much more difficult, if not nearly impossible to establish a healthy life.
Here are some very basic Feng Shui tips that will keep the happy energy flowing!
Here, 10 Healthy Living tips from Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach (that’s me) that are sure to (okay…more than likely to) create harmony, comfort and balance in your environment and your life.
10 (Non-Diet) Healthy Home Tips
1. Keep Your Doorway and Entry Space Clear. Do you want to deal with an obstacle the moment you enter your home; something to negotiate your way around? No you do not, as it short-circuits your energy.
2. Air Quality Matters. In terms of your health, air quality is your number one priority. I know that some of us live in the country, where clean air is plentiful; and then there are those of us who live in the inner-city where soot and unhealthy particles are floating through the air and landing on our windowsills.
I’m telling you, do whatever it takes to clear and clean your air. You can grow an indoor garden of air-purifying plants, use essential oils to clear the air, maybe an air-purifier?
3. Let There Be Light. Natural light improves your energy level. If there are things cluttering your windowsills or your blinds or windows are in need of cleaning, clear and clean them.
Needless to say, if natural light is not as bright or plentiful as you’d like it to be, there are intelligent, smart indoor lighting products to choose from. As you move into the light, your energy level will improve ten-fold!
4. Sleep Right. You will miraculously find that you will sleep better at night if your bed is positioned so that your head isn’t resting towards/facing the door. It feels so much better.
5. Dust Under Things. You may not see the dust under the bed or even in the closets, but it is there and it is blocking the energy flow.
6. Paint Your Kitchen. It is said that by painting your kitchen a pastel color, you are promoting positive energy, and that bright red and orange promotes appetite. What color is your kitchen and how does its vibe feel to you?
7. Three Feet Between Furniture. The rule of thumb is to leave three feet of open space between furniture, because it allows for free flow of energy and it will ease your mind. You know, between the dining room table and the living room sofa. (Not between chairs around the dining room table, duh!)
8. Decorate Organically. The use of earth tones, earth materials such as wood and clay promote a sense of calm and comfort. There are so many amazing, sophisticated shades of yummy clay from brown to grey available.
9. De-Clutter. If the magazines are old, if the newspapers are piling up, if you haven’t worn that outfit in over 5 years … for goodness sake, toss it!
10. The Fridge. Now that you have created a fabulous flow of positive energy throughout your home, it is time to stock your fridge with the right stuff. A bounty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains.
For (almost) daily motivational musings from our country’s premiere Anti-Gravity Coach, Janice Taylor (that’s me), join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Kick in the Tush Club/FB!
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Levitate through Life with Me…
Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach™, Positarian, Author, Artist
buoyant * magnetic * luminous