What’s Normal: Are You? Normal?

Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach, Weigh-Less Expert … Stuck? Call me!
Last Saturday, I was kibitzing with a new friend of mine. Having the “getting-to-know-you” chat. Asking questions like, “How many kids do you have?” “When did you move to Tucson?” You know, the basics.
As Peter and I made our passage from New York City to Tucson more or less last year, I was particularly interested in knowing that she’d moved to Tucson in 2006. So, I asked her, “How long did it take to feel ‘at home’ in your new city?”
While I couldn’t be more thrilled to live here, happy with all that has emerged including a sweet home-sweet-home, friends with whom belly laughs are manifested on a daily basis, and fun activities galore, I feel—at my core—somewhat untethered.
When my new writer friend answered, “Last year,” I smiled. I smiled because her answer confirmed that I was “right” (as in normal) to feel what I am feeling. I smiled because, once again, I was reminded that everything is a process.
What does this have to do about permanent weight loss? Everything.
- Permanently removing the excess weight is a process. It takes time.
- Getting used to your new way of eating, your new way of moving (a.k.a. exercising) is a process. It takes time.
- Feeling comfortable in your new svelteness and experiencing your new body size accurately is a process. It takes time.
How much time? As much time as it takes.
When people give up because they’ve been “at it” for a week or a month or six months or more, because they haven’t achieved their desired thinness, and they think that they’ll never change, they are selling themselves short.
Instead of giving up, remind yourself that change of any kind takes time. It is unrealistic to think that you are going to construct a plan, stick to it, and be entirely comfortable with it in a short amount of time.
Don’t fight it. Simply go with the flow, lest you create, for yourself and more than likely others, a boatload of optional suffering.
Smile because you are in the “right” place.
However your journey unfolds is how it unfolds.
Embrace it.
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Spread the word–NOT the icing!
Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach Helping You to Rise Above,
Weight Loss Expert, Positarian, Author, Artist