#KickTush Tuesday: Best Strategy Ever — Stop Stopping !

Stop Stopping NOW! ~ contact Janny Taylor, Weight Loss Success Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian
How do you fail? How do you fail at losing weight a.k.a. permanent fat removal or—for that matter—any other goal? The simple answer is that you stop.
You stop.
You give up.
You stop.
You lose momentum.
You stop.
You may tell yourself that you are taking a break, and that you are going to get back to it tomorrow, but that’s more than likely a lie. You stop!
One day morphs into the next and before you know it you’ve taken a 10-year detour. The longer the “break” the more you’ll have to battle your way back to where you once were when you stopped!
Instead of Stopping, why not Fully Commit to yourself.
Even if you are terrified to lose weight, afraid to let the buried you out; even if you fall on your tush again and again, I guarantee you that it [your tush] won’t break.
Stop Stopping!
Sometimes it’s just that simple!
For more “simple,” join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s KICK in the TUSH Club!
Simply yours,
Janny Taylor
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For one-on-one coaching, contact Janice!