Puzzled?? Antioxidant Girl to the Rescue
After celebrating Mother’s Day, happily being wined and dined, desserts at every corner, chocolates galore, I thought it might be a good idea to start the week by clicking through our beloved Weight Loss Hero’s favorite JigSaw Puzzle entitled, Antioxidant Girl.
While clicking through Antioxidant Girl, contemplate fruits, vegetables and health.
Feel free to send this week’s puzzle in e-postcard format! Encourage them to join with you in all things healthy, happy and wise! Antioxidant Girl e-Postcard
For more Weight Loss Fun, visit: Facebook/Kick in the Tush Club!
Spread the word–NOT the icing,Janice
wise * funny * utterly useful
wise * funny * utterly useful
Dictated but not read by OLWL. Excuse all typos!